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Heep Hong Society

Seminars for parents (Cantonese Only)

Preterm infants face various health problems after birth and frequent admission to the Intensive Care Unit. This is indeed a great challenge for their parents and caregivers. 

The health of preterm infants should be the top, if not sole, priority for parents as these infants are particularly vulnerable after birth. Under attentive care, problems in most preterm infants can be alleviated and their health conditions can be stabilised.
However, overprotection can become a hindrance to the development of preterm infants. Meanwhile, research shows that providing appropriate training in a timely manner can facilitate the overall development of preterm babies.
It is definitely not easy for parents to strike a balance between the health and development of preterm babies. In view of this, the seminar aims to enhance the understanding of parents and caregivers about the difficulties preterm babies face in their growth and training approaches which can cater for their developmental needs.
Please refer to Chinese version for more information of the seminars.